
Review: All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover

by - October 16, 2018

All Your Perfects
by Colleen Hoover
Published by: Atria Books
July 17th, 2018
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
Rating: 5 Stars

     Quinn and Graham’s perfect love is threatened by their imperfect marriage. The memories, mistakes, and secrets that they have built up over the years are now tearing them apart. The one thing that could save them might also be the very thing that pushes their marriage beyond the point of repair.
     All Your Perfects is a profound novel about a damaged couple whose potential future hinges on promises made in the past. This is a heartbreaking page-turner that asks: Can a resounding love with a perfect beginning survive a lifetime between two imperfect people?

     This week I had a very busy one in my work, besides that, I was in a training in Seattle that took two days. I wanted to focus on unique books. If you have been following my post I had read a saga recently with way too many books. However, I could not continue, I do not know why, as something stops me.

     The problem with this is that I did not have an idea to read. I went TBR list and nothing attracted me,  I do not know, then I went to the list of my favorite authors. That's how I found this book. I have already mentioned that this author deserves ovations for her past books - at least what I read - and this was not the exception.

     This book quickly attracted my attention with the introduction. What can I say absolutely, I went and I downloaded it in my kindle -ahem and I ordered it on paper too, remember my dream library- and I could not let go.

     This book talks about a marriage that has had problems of conception. They face them as many couple can do -ignoring the big elephant in the room- when he mentions the years they have together, it was my perdition.

     For those who know I live with the father of my children -please don’t judge me, I am one of those who believe that a marriage vs domestic partnership its just a paper-. I say it's my husband because we've been together for 13 years. However, when we were 7 years, among the routine -We’ve been ignoring the great elephant in the room- we destroyed it and not only as a couple but as people. I cry with this book - I know I always cry but ignore my weeping part for a moment - since as our Colleen describes our protagonist she feels, that's how I felt. We did not have the same conception problems, but if I could understand it, I would identify with it.

     The protagonist is called Quinn, who is a girl who comes with a mother who wants to live on appearances. However, she has his feet firmly on the ground. She also has his unconditional sister.

     Graham who is our protagonist, is sexy confident and super loves Quinn. Who seems very normal guy. What I love too that he is not a cliche -other word he is not rich-.

     They do not know each other in the best circumstances , and I tell them that I'm going to tell them some spoilers. And since they are warned I tell them that they are the couples who deceived them - now I explain myself. They went out with someone else, even Quinn was getting married in a month, but she finds her fiancé with Graham's girlfriend. See what I am saying?

     This novel maybe they were not the best way to introduce our protagonist, but the plot was so great, fabulous, impressive -if I can continue describing it- that we can forgive this.

     As I said, I identified a lot how the protagonist felt, because that's how I felt every day. Until one day breaking my heart in the process separates me. The routine took something very essential in a marriage. I did know that I loved my husband, but I did not know if I loved him too much to stay by his side and lose myself in the process. Also in the part -spoiler alert- he deceives her. My husband did not fool me per se, because technically we were not together, but I swear he felt that way when he told me the person he was with. I have not said this to many people, so deep was this book.

     But my story, like that of the protagonists, has a happy ending. In my case I had another baby, I moved country and we are more united than ever. In the case of our protagonists, WHAT? Do you really thought I was going to tell you? because I do refuse to tell you. READ IT!! I just going to tell you, I did not expect it at all because I expected a miracle or something, but it was an ending that could happen to anyone, it was quite realistic.

     I'm also looking for new books to read, so I want to ask you a huge favor. Could you leave in the comments section book recommendations to read that you liked it? or books that want to read the review?

     For those who want to buy it, just click on the image down below and take it where I buy it.

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