
ARC Review: Maverick by Cheryl Brooks

by - September 22, 2018

by Cheryl Brooks
Series: Cat Star Legacy (#1)
Published by: Sourcebooks Casablanca
September 4th, 2018
Genre: Sci-Fi Romance
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher (via NetGalley)
Rating: 3 Stars

     Zetithians are back. And they're hotter than ever... 
     Having the Zetithian feline gene gives Larry Tshevnoe awesome beauty, fearsome strength, sensuality and sexual prowess unmatched by any other males in the universe. But it can make the quest for true love...complicated. 
     Enter childhood friend and fellow Zetithian Althea Banadänsk. Her empathic powers make her the only one who can show Larry what he truly desires, and she'll do anything to help...even if that means hiding her desperate craving for him. 
     But when a distress call sends them off course—and into danger—they find more than their hearts are at stake. Now it's up to them to become the champions of truth and justice throughout the galaxy...or risk losing it all.


This copy was provided by the publisher via Hidden Gems Books for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of it or the content of my review.

   This book started ion an interesting note and I liked the concept of it. We have this race of aliens that are cat-like and this insect race and all the makings of a great story. And it would have been if I had read the series that this one spins off.

     About half the book the characters mention many things that happened in the other series and I was a bit lost. If you are interested in this series I recommend you read the other series CAT STAR CHRONICLES.

     That said I liked what little I understood of this book and although I know there are people mad because of a supposed cheating I think it was done correctly in this instance since Larry was never intimate with this other person. Their relationship was superficial on both their sides it seems.

     I loved Brak and I found him hilarious at times. I loved the mission they went on and I just wish that I could have read the other series first so I could appreciate this book more.

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