Review: Wrong by Jana Aston
by Jana Aston
Published by: Rutherford Press
October 7, 2015
Genre: Erotic Romance
Format: epub
Source: Purchased
Rating: 4 stars
I have a history of picking the wrong guy. Gay? Player? Momma’s boy? Check, check and check.
Now I can’t stop fantasizing about one of the customers at the coffee shop I work at between classes. It’s just a harmless crush, right? It’s not like I ever see this guy outside of the coffee shop. It’s not like I’m going to see him while attempting to get birth control at the student clinic. While wearing a paper gown. While sitting on an exam table. Because he’s the doctor. Shoot. Me.
But what if, for once, the man I’ve had the dirtiest, most scandalous fantasies about turned out to be everything but wrong?
This book is that kind of book that is short but juicy. I've never read this author. This book came from a friend recommendation, so I trusted her with my life *Now I am being dramatic* I was totally bored with everything (I know you guys have been here too, where you have a list of books to read-on my case like 500-but nothing sounds good to read) so my friend said "you should read this story" and I am so happy I listened to her (this doesn't happen often, my mom will be so jealous). Sometimes you just need something like this to just clear out your mind from those series which are never-ending.
This story is a total cliche, you know the guy with a great career, rich and conflicted family, but with a touch of originality from the author.
The heroine I liked, however, like every cliche story on some parts of the story I just wanted to kill her with my bare hands *But suppose to happen as part of cliches* The hero, on the other hand, I melted for and made me laugh with his ironies, especially when they meet, even her knowing what he really does, makes me laugh so much and I felt embarrassed for this two.
There were parts where I felt like I was reading Cristian from 50 Shades of Grey again and I didn't like it (but Jana I will let it pass this time, just because I really like it)
The end left me wanting more and my heart bleeding. I really liked the epilogue. Somehow this author changed a little bit of the cliches and made him fall first for the heroine (finally). I am so ready to read the sequel of this story which is going to be the friend (this girl made me laugh like a hyena)
Jokes apart, I loved how extrovert she was and the full-time stalker. So, final thought, I do recommend this story because its short and I had a good time with this one.