
ARC Review: Stygian by Sherrylin Kenyon

by - September 07, 2018

by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Series: Dark-Hunter (#29)
Published by: Tor Books
August 28th, 2018
Genre: Fantasy
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher (via NetGalley)
Rating: 4 Stars

     Born before man recorded time, I lived for thousands of years, believing myself to be something I’m not.
     Someone I’m not.
     Lied to and betrayed by gods, Daimons, and Dark-Hunters, I’ve struggled to find my way in a world where I’ve been cursed since the moment a vengeful goddess prematurely ripped me from my mother and planted me into the womb of an innocent woman who thought me her son.
     Trained as a slayer and predator, I’ve learned to fit in and stay low. To become a tool for evil. Until I was sent to kill the one woman I couldn’t. My hesitation cost her, her life.
     Or so I thought. In an act of betrayal that makes all the others pale in comparison, I’ve learned that things are not what they seem in this world and that my Phoebe still lives.
     Now I will have to travel into the very pits of Hades to try and save her, even as everyone around me attempts to steal what little soul I have left. There’s only one person at my back and I’m not sure I can trust her either, for she was born of an enemy race. Yet sometimes the road to redemption is one that singes us to our very core. And if I fail to find the answers I need to save Phoebe, more than just my wife will die.
     We will lose the world. Both human and Daimon. 
     ~Urian of the House of Aricles


This copy was provided by the publisher via NetGalley for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of it or the content of my review.

     The first 3/4's of the story was so amazing. We get to see Urian grow up and get into mischief but at the same time grow up fast and have to take responsibility for his older siblings. Every moment of that first part (until the 2000's) his life is one tragedy after another but at the same time, he has found happiness throughout it all.

     There where a couple of things that had me confuzzled and others that annoyed the hell out of me but it wasn't that bad as to take away from my enjoyment. From about the moment where the series timeline starts (somewhere in the year 2000's) you start getting to see situations that happened in previous books. So I'm sorry to say that if you've not read this series I recommend you do. Although many say you just need to read the book previous to this one only I think you will be lost if you don't read at least from Acheron's book on as many of the fights of previous books are glossed over. You have all these people going to fight and then it jumps on to after the fighting has ended.

     Now the last 25% of the book was kind of a copy paste of many of the direr situations that Urian participated on with a few sentences added in Urian's POV. Now many people might hate that but I'm always a little bit lost on this books so I was grateful for them.

     And lastly, I found the ending cute and anti-climatic. I was hoping for so much more. Now with all this, you're asking yourself "why then did she rated this book 4 stars?" Well, it was more like 3.5 stars and like I mention the first 75% of the book was so good. And although I was a bit disappointed in the book I still loved it and it made me tear up.

     I want to read the next one if it's the heroine I'm hoping. If not I'll still read it to see if some of the questions I have get answered.

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