Review: Tower Of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas
Tower of Down
by Sarah J. Maas
Series: Throne of Glass (#6)
Published by: Bloomsbury USA Childrens
September 5th, 2017
Genre: Fantasy
Format: ePub
Source: Purchased
Rating: 5 Stars
Chaol Westfall has always defined himself by his unwavering loyalty, his strength, and his position as the Captain of the Guard. But all of that has changed since the glass castle shattered, since his men were slaughtered, since the King of Adarlan spared him from a killing blow, but left his body broken.
His only shot at recovery lies with the legendary healers of the Torre Cesme in Antica—the stronghold of the southern continent's mighty empire. And with war looming over Dorian and Aelin back home, their survival might lie with Chaol and Nesryn convincing its rulers to ally with them.
But what they discover in Antica will change them both—and be more vital to saving Erilea than they could have imagined.
What can I said about this book -just read the author- come on is Sarah-freaking-J-fabulous-Maas. You can tell just by the author how the story's going to be. It's funny I specifically chose this story because I was the Maid of Honor at my friend wedding. So, I thought this is a big book so I can split it into several days since I will not have much time. I did not know weddings can be so hard and being the maid of honor harder. Wedding aside, as I mentioned I got so engaged that I could not put it aside. OMG!
Whoever has been following these series know about Chaol. I had a hate-love relationship with him, still, have it. I said through the series when I was reading that he was a total jerk, even though he wants to protect Aelin, he still couldn't accept her. Thank God Aelin pass the page and now is with *spoiler alert* the magnificent, hot, fabulous, sexy fae Rowan (maintenance needs a mop for all the slobber I'm dropping around me). Coming back to Chaol, well he plays an important part in the life of Aelin and Dorian. I feel bad for what happened to him but we'll see more of him in this book.
What can I said about Nesryn, I haven't heard much about her, or maybe I really hadn't pay much attention until now. I am so glad that she is the first captain of the royal guard, even though is by name. Those who have been follow the books will understand. I will not tell since I have been saying a lot of spoilers. She is a kick-ass woman, I love that. I love to read more about her in this book.
Is a great book! Guess what? I already order it on Hardcover for my future library!