
Review: Dearest Ivie by J. R. Ward

by - March 14, 2018

Dearest Ivie
by J. R. Ward
Series: Black Dagger Brotherhood (#15.5)
Published by: Ballantine Books
March 13th, 2018
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
Rating: 5 Stars

     The last place Ivie expects to be approached by a devastatingly handsome male is in a crowded, smoky cigar bar rarely frequented by vampires—yet here he stands. Silas is flirtatious, gallant, and, above all, mysterious. Ivie is anything but. A nurse at the healer’s clinic and the daughter of a biker, Ivie is accustomed to speaking her mind. So she does. Since aristocrats rarely pick up females of her class, Ivie asks Silas just what kind of game he thinks he’s playing.
     Despite her guarded exterior, Ivie surrenders to the fierce desire she feels for Silas. And yet, just as their courtship is heating up, he reveals that it cannot last, for he is bound to return to the Old Country. Their bond only deepens as they make the most of their precious time together. But when she learns the truth, Ivie must find a saving grace—before all is lost.

     What can I say, another win for J. R. Ward in my book.

     This short novella is about Ivie, a nurse from Havers' clinic, and Silas an aristocrat from one of the founding families and of course, you get the waterworks running.

     I'm not going to talk about what this book is about because I feel since it's a novella the book can be summarised in a few sentences. And this book in particular, although not from characters we've met before, should be enjoyed with no clue as to what's going to happen.

     Now what I'm going to say is that unlike other Ward books this one has just one POV and that is Ivie's but not first person (thank goodness). This gives Silas a mysterious light that captivates you and leaves you wanting to gobble up the story so you can learn all about him.

     I would like to have more novellas like this. Where the Brotherhood or Legacy characters make some cameo appearances but the main characters are completely unknown to us. An insight into the commoners' lives and how they deal with daily life.

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